28 September to 1 October "Spoleto Festival Art" Sala Ori Ex. Monte di Pietà.
Winner of the 4th Prize section Sculpture October 6th-15th International Art Biennial of Florence XI ed. Fortezza da Basso Florence.
Creation of the Christmas tree. Recycle Christmas (RicicliAMO il Natale)... Sustainable eco Christmas made with over 30,000 bottles 10.80 meters high, 4.40 meters wide. Castiglione della Pescaia Grosseto
Winner of the First Biennial Women's Award, 25 November Modern Art Palace of Rome.
3-9 March Fort San Gallo Nettuno.
2 Palermo International Biennial 15 October Teatro Politeama Palermo.
7-17 January Tribute to Caravaggio, Museo Venanzo Crocetti, Via Cassia 492, Rome.
12 October to 3 November personal "Equilibri" held at the Andana held the Badiola Castiglione della Pescaia Grosseto.
Realization of Christ on the high altar of the Church of SS. Trinity of Villa Chigi, Via Filippo Marchetti, 36 Rome. Volterra Art Villa Palagione .
Celebration exhibition for the 150th anniversary of the Unity of Italy "New generations" 28 May 9 June Studio Logos Via dei Fienaroli, 10 Rome
STRONG COLOR Contemporary color trends August 29th September 11th. Fort San Gallo Neptune Rome.
The Unity of Art, the Art of Unity. Contemporary signs of change. 2 - 12 September Exhibition Hall of the Dioscuri Complex of the Quirinale Rome.
Triennale di Roma 2011, International Exhibition of Visual Arts. 3 - 13 October Monumental Complex of the Agostiniana Gallery Piazza del Popolo 12 Rome.
OpenArtCode Monaco 2011 on the occasion of GemlucART 7 - 22 October Auditorium Rainier III Boulevard Louis II 98000 Montecarlo Principality of Monaco.
OpenArtCode Paris on the occasion of Art en Capital 22 - 27 November Salon des Artistes Independants, Grand Palais, Avenue Winston Churchill, 75008 Paris France.
5th Edition OF THE LUPA AWARD 2012 International Art Competition 31 January 2012 - 8 February. Vatican Gallery La Pigna Palazzo Maffei Marescotti, in Via della Pigna 13/a Rome.
1st Prize Winner. Catel Prize Sculpture Competition 2010. sensibly Rome, Contemporary Sculptures. new proposals between figuration, form and beyond. Franz Ludwig Catel Foundation.
Posted in the CATALOG OF SCULPTORS 2011. Ed. Giorgio Mondadori.
A.R.G.A.M. Roman Spring. The Masters and the Daisies from 12 May to 5 June. Venanzo Crocetti Museum. V. Cassia 492 Rome.
Art Fair Paint Forlì. From 26 to 28 March.
Bolzano Fair. From 5 to 7 March.
ARTOUR-O Florence. From 18 to 21 February.
Biennale of Art of Asolo. Gino Rossi Award.
Finalist of the "New York City International Prize" art competition.
ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ITALIAN ART. General catalog of artists from 900 to today
Personal exhibition at the Zamenhof Gallery. From October 21st to November 13th, title "DE STRUCTURA". V. Zamenhof, 11 20136 Milan.
Fiera di Reggio Emilia. From 27 to 30 November, V. Filangieri, 15 42100 Reggio Emilia.
Winner of the 1st Emilio Vedova Award. Competition "IL SEGNO". Zamenhof Gallery from 9 to 19 September. V. Zamenhof, 11 20136 Milan.
Florence International Modern Art Biennial. From 5 to 13 December. Fortezza da Basso Florence.
Europ'Art 2009 Geneva. From 22 to 26 April.
MODERN ART NATIONAL CATALOG 2009. Editorial Giorgio Mondadori.
COMED YEARBOOK 2009. International Art Festival of Rome. From 16 to 24 March. Gallery the Collector. V. Rasella, 132 00187 Rome.
International Art Festival of Rome. From 16 to 24 March. Gallery the Collector. V. Rasella, 132 00187 Rome.
Genoa Fair 5 Modern Art Market Exhibition. From February 27th to March 2nd.
Permanent art work. Zamenhof Gallery. V. Zamenhof, 11 2016 Milan.
From January 24th to February 6th. The Rivellino Gallery. V. Baruffaldi, 6 44100 Ferrara.
From 10 January to the 22nd Ariele Gallery. V. Lauro Rossi 9/c 10155 Turin.
From 2nd January to the 22nd Crisolart Gallery. C/le Mallorca 284 bajos. Barcelona (Spain).
Personal exhibition from 11 to 20 December. ART TIME GALLERY. Vicolo Pulesi, 6 33100 Udine.
Fiera Reggio Emilia 28 November 1 December 2008.
From 5 to 23 November Abstraction Parade. ZAMENHOF GALLERY. V. Zamenhof, 11 Milan.
Inserted in the Periodical of Art, Literature. Human Sciences and Interdisciplinary Culture, MEETING POINT, Year 31-N.3 / 4- September / October.
Critics Award Winner. FIAR International Art Festival of Rome. Cascina Farsetti, Villa Pamphili, Rome.
Winner of the Port Criticism Award. 13th National Contemporary Art Competition SATURARTE 2008. September 13-27, Palazzo Stella. Piazza Stella, 5 Genoa.
From 22 June to 11 July. ARTINCONTRI GALLERY. V. Nice, 78 / a 10126 Turin.
Posted in the ART MAGAZINE month of June. Editorial Giorgio Mondadori.
From March 30th to June 11th Exhibition of Painting and Contemporary Sculpture I Colori Del Piemonte, Art Gallery 18. V. San Felice, 18 Bologna.
Inserted in the Periodical of Art, Literature, Human Sciences and Interdisciplinary Culture Meeting Point, year 31 - No. 1/2 - January / April.
Inserted in the National Catalog of Modern Art N. 44 - 2008. Editorial Giorgio Mondadori.
Europ'Art 2008 Geneva. 30 April - 4 May.
Winner of the 4th Absolute Prize of the "La Pergola Small Format 2008 International Competition" 1-15 March. La Pergola Gallery. Via della Pergola, 45 Florence.
Posted on the New York Home page Arts On Line Tips & Picks, and in the subsequent publication of the bimonthly Art Magazine In New York.
From 6 to 14 March "OLTRE CONFINE" in der Tiroler Fachberufsschule fur Tourismus Absam. Eichatstrassa, 18 - 6067 Absam, Innsbruck.
Posted in the International Encyclopedic Dictionary Of Modern And Contemporary Art 2008. Editorial Alba.
Posted in the Catalog Of Italian Sculptors 2008. Editorial Giorgio Mondadori.
Inserted in the 2008 COMED ANNUARIO International Guide to Fine Arts. Editions Comed.
Lorenzo il Magnifico Award Winner. Winner of the 4th Lorenzo il Magnifico Award section Sculpture - Installations. From 1 December to the 9th International Biennial of Contemporary Art, Fortezza da Basso Florence.
Winner of the 4th Lorenzo il Magnifico Award section Sculpture - Installations. From December 1st to 9th INTERNATIONAL BIENNIAL OF CONTEMPORARY ART, Fortezza da Basso Florence.
From 11 to 18 November, "Paesaggi Metropolitani", GALLERIA LA PERGOLA. V. della Pergola, 45 Florence.
From November 24th to December 9th. "The Spirit of Matter between absence and presence". Editorial Giorgio Mondadori. GALLERY THE TOWER OF THE FILANDA. V. al Castello, 8 Rivoli, Turin.
From October 27th to November 20th. "The Spirit of Matter between absence and presence". Editorial Giorgio Mondadori. Palazzo Basile Spazio Nike. V. Monteleone, 3 90133 Palermo.
Posted in the ART MAGAZINE month of October. Editorial Giorgio Mondadori.
From 16 to 24 June. "The Spirit of Matter between absence and presence". Editorial Giorgio Mondadori. Curated by Paolo Levi and Giovanna Barbero. Municipality of Canzo. Piazza Chiesa, 4 Como.
Winner section Design of the AWARD OF ARTS Culture Award XIX Edition. 31 May Press Club. Corso Venezia, 16 20121 Milan.
From March 30th to April 6th. "The Spirit of Matter between absence and presence". Editorial Giorgio Mondadori. CIVIC LIBRARY "Lino Penati" at the V. Fatebenefratelli conference room. Cernusco Sul Naviglio, Milan.
From 13 to 23 March. "The Spirit of Matter between absence and presence". Editorial Giorgio Mondadori. Collective of Contemporary Art with presentation by Paolo Levi. Schubert Gallery. V. Fontana, 11 20122 Milan.
Inserted in the book. "THE SPIRIT OF MATTER between absence and presence". Editorial Giorgio Mondadori.
Inserted in the International 2007 COMED ANNUARIO. Guide to Fine Arts. Comed Edition.
Inserted in the. NATIONAL CATALOG OF MODERN ART No. 43 -2007. Editorial Giorgio Mondadori.
1st Prize Winner Cesare Pavese Award - Sculpture - from 24-09 to 29-10 in Santo Stefano Belbo (Cuneo), at the birthplace of the writer.
From May 20 to September 20, collective "THE LIGHTNESS OF SCULPTURE" Turin, Parco della Tesoriera, with the sponsorship of the Capitol Museum - section arredourbano, INAC (National Institute of Contemporary Art), Municipality of Turin and IV District.
In March 2006 she took part in the "MONUMENTO AI CADUTI DI NASSIRIYA" competition, organized by the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities, with the collaboration of the Lazio Region, the province and the Municipality of Rome.
Competition section Sculpture "ARTE 2006" organized by the magazine Arte, Editoriale Giorgio Mondadori.
Inserted in the Catalog of Italian Sculptors 2007.
Finalist of the "Accademia di San Luca Award 2005 Sculpture" National Academy of St. Luke and Department of Cultural Policies of the Municipality of Rome, from 1 to 31 December Piazza of the Academy of San Luca, 77 Rome.
Fiera Malpensa Arte 2005, Exhibition of Modern and Contemporary Art, November 25-26-27, Busto Arsizio, Varese.
Arnaldo Pomodoro Foundation Award "International Competition for Young Sculptors" with the sponsorship of the Lombardy Region, Province of Milan, Municipality of Milan.
Competition section Sculpture "ARTE 2005" organized by the magazine Arte. Editorial Giorgio Mondadori.
From 3 to 23 July, the collective in the Artistic and Contemporary Panorama. Transvisionism gallery. Castel’Arquato Piacenza.
From 1 to 7 June at Palazzo Barberini Sala Giulio Cesare V. Quattro Fontane, 13 Rome. An Antological Exhibition was held of his sculptural works, with the patronages of the Lazio Region, the Province and the Municipality of Rome
In April it is included in the book "I giudizi di Sgarbi" 99 artists from the catalogs of Modern Art and its surroundings. Editorial Giorgio Mondadori.
Winner of the 2nd Prize. October 2004 Sculpture competition organized by the company Finges s.r.l., Renato Armellini Foundation – Rome.
Winner of the Critics Award. "Third Millennium" Sculpture Competition organized by the PIO ISTITUTO CATEL, Museums of San Salvatore in Lauro, from 20 April to 10 May. Rome.
6-month deposit contract, concerning 4 Sculptures, with the production company GRUNDY ITALIA s.p.a., Piazza Mazzini, 27 Rome. To complete the scenography for the television fiction “Diritto di Difesa” broadcast on RAI 2.
From 9 to 18 January. SWING, Exhibition of Painting, Sculpture and Photography, at the Civic Museum "UMBERTO MASTROIANNI" of Marino, Rome.
Winner ex-aequo of the 1st Prize. New in Art & Art in the New, painting and sculpture competition 2003 edition, RUFA – Rome University of Fine Arts, Rome.
A sign for young Rome, illustrates the New Master Plan Decorating a Bus. Called by the Municipality of ROME. Department of Communication, Simplification and Equal Opportunities Department of Urban Planning.
Aesthetic Synergies, International Sculpture Symposium in Tuff. Comune di Riano, Rome.
Winner of the third prize Sculpture Competition organized by the Company FINGES s.r.l.
Italian-style duet – artewine, Fujisaki Department, Sendai, Japan.
Exhibition of Painting and Sculpture, Villa de Pisa, Olevano Romano, Rome.
“LA BELLEZZA” International Competition Sculpture to live. Fondazione Peano, Cuneo.
“LA TERRA” International Competition Sculpture to live. Fondazione Peano, Cuneo.
HIC ET NUNC, Castello Medievale di Guardia Sanframondi, Benevento.
Collective exhibition at LA GALLERIA ATHENA ARTE, Rome. In collaboration with the association of the "artists of the XXI century" of the Republic of Korea.
ARTE E COMUNICAZIONE, RUFA, Rome University of Fine Arts, Rome.
IL MAESTRO E L’ALLIEVO, RUFA, Rome University of Fine Arts, Rome.